Let Me Introduce Myself
I am Kyle Bass.
South Georgia has little excitement for a young man. Ditching school or hanging out on the weekends was about all there was to do. That was before my introduction to drugs.
Addicted at thirteen.
Prison from sixteen to thirty.
Weed, meth and everything in between.
How did I get here?
The shame of letting Mama down again.
The judge was not fair.
Fear of stepping off the prison bus.
Who will I have to become to gain respect?
Here we go again.

Climbing the street ladder from petty addict to distributor requires focus, credibility and no conscience. I did what I had to so I would look like someone I wasn't. It promised fortune, but only delivered failure, regret, paranoia, and harsher prison sentences.
I was selfish. I was destroying lives. And I was headed to prison again. In despair, I felt I had two options: suicide or Jesus. I chose Jesus. I was handcuffed once again, but this time something was different. God rescued me from the dark reality I had created. This time, prison wasn't a curse: it was a blessing!
Receiving His love created a desire inside to know Him. Learning to trust Him was difficult. I lived in His peace, and I discovered my purpose in His Word. I pushed ALL-IN, with the same intensity as if it were my mandatory next fix. Prison equals hopelessness, but engulfed in God's Word, and filled with His Spirit: it is where I found FREEDOM!
Upon my release, pleasing God became my focus. Being faithful to His calling, I was determined to get my family back. God directed me to start a handyman service. God took a known drug dealer in an old beat-up car with a few hand tools and turned me into the owner of a well respected and successful construction company.
I have gone from losing my kids to having the family I don't deserve. Ravished by the vicious cycle for seventeen years, I'm now twelve years clean!
Today, I have the honor of serving as the Founder/Director of 3R Ministries, Inc. 3R is a transitional facility combating addiction and recidivism in the very same community I once terrorized. Here we have seen hundreds of men restored to their families.
Kyle Bass
Former Inmate #344390

Our Vision
Families are being torn apart and lives lost because of addiction every day. 3R Ministries provides recovery and restoration, reuniting families, transforming communities and impacting generations.
What Is 3R Ministries?
3R Ministries is a faith-based men’s transitional/recovery facility. We will supply shelter, food,
transportation and job assistance. We also help with life skills training such as job interviews, financial budgeting, savings, credit building and becoming a valued employee through hard work and good attendance. The men will attend faith-based recovery classes, anger management, and bible studies. We focus on character and accountability that will produce moral and ethical mindsets and attitudes.
Our goal is to meet men right where they are in life with acceptance, discipline and love. We provide a drug free, safe environment with structure and accountability. 3R will require a commitment of 1 year. Upon completion, if the men opt too, they may stay longer. The time will be determined by director.
Our desire is to see men set free from not only drugs and alcohol but to be healed mentally and emotionally from their past. We want men to begin a new life that would be valuable, not only to themselves but to their families and society as well. It is our belief that for those that are willing to work hard and to practice and apply this training to their everyday life they will be substance abuse free and successful. Our drive is based on our calling. We want men to experience the same freedom God granted us, then empower them to become leaders of restoration in their circles of influence. II Corinthians 5:15
The 3R Process
Our goal is to provide you with a safe and nurturing place to live while helping you become dependent on Jesus and able to live independently of any assistance other than His divine will for your life. Before you make your decision to enter our program, please consider the following:
1. Program completion will take approximately 1 year, or longer.
2. We do not allow any anti-depressant, narcotic pain killer(s), anti-anxiety or any other mind/mood altering medicines. Any medications you take must be approved in advance by the Program Director.
3. We are a "working" program. When you come into the program, you will be placed immediately in a position of volunteer service to keep the ministry functioning. This service is part of our recovery program and you will not be paid in dollars for your service.
4. It is imperative to disrupt your current cycle. In order to do this, there will be zero contact with the "outside world" for a minimum of 30 days with exception of immediate family. Phone privileges are achievable after 30 days and furloughs after 60 days, based on your progress and evaluation approval.
5. Make sure you read and understand the attached program agreement, because violations of any rules set forth will be grounds for dismissal from the program.
The 2020 Board of Directors

Heather Bass
Heather Bass is married to Kyle and the mother of four. They have been married for twenty-four years. She is an addiction overcomer. Many years ago she and Kyle were arrested and the result was their finding the path to victory over addiction. She holds a B.S. degree in accounting. She is a full-time homemaker and accountant for Kyle Bass Construction and 3R Ministries. She is passionate about seeing others find the healing and recovery she has found.

Kyle Bass
Kyle Bass is married to Heather and father to four children. He is an addiction overcomer. He is the founder of Kyle Bass Construction and 3R President.

Chris Lovelady
Chris Lovelady is married to Debbi and the father of three daughters. She and Debbi have been married tor 28 years. A native of Kansas/Vermont, he has resided Thomasville for twenty-eight years. He is a graduate of Rocky Mountain School of Art and Design where he studied Illustration and graphic design. He is an entrepreneur, the founder of Vital Signs of Thomasville. Chris has always had a passion for men coming out of prison.